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Caldarium – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Caldarium (łac., także calidarium, cella caldaria, cella coctilium, od calor –„ciepło") – w starożytnych termach rzymskich pomieszczenie z basenem z gorącą wodą. Było najcieplejszym z pomieszczeń w rzymskich łaźniach, z temperaturą uzyskiwaną za pomocą systemu podpodłogowego ogrzewania zwanego hypocaustum

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Kalsium - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Kalsium atau zat kapur adalah sebuah elemen kimia dengan simbol Ca dan nomor atom 20. Mempunyai massa atom 40.078 amu. Kalsium merupakan salah satu logam alkali tanah, dan merupakan elemen kelima terbanyak di bumi.Kalsium juga merupakan ion kelima terbanyak di air laut dilihat dari segi molaritas dan masa, setelah natrium, klorida, magnesium, dan sulfat.

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Film dotyczy zastosowania naturalnego biostymulatora firmy FCA- CALKORIUM LIQUID w uprawie rzepaku.Transmisja z dnia 17.04.2020.

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Calcium carbonate - Wikipedia

Calcium carbonate is a chemical compoond wi the formula Ca C O 3.It is a common substance foond in rocks in aw pairts o the warld, an is the main component o shells o marine organisms, snails, coal balls, pairls, an eggshells.Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime, an is creatit when Ca ions in haird watter react wi carbonate ions creatin limescale.

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Calcium - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Calcium, 20Ca. face-centred cubic. Calcium is the chemical element wi seembol Ca an atomic nummer 20. Calcium is a saft gray alkaline yird metal, an is the fift-maist-abundant element bi mass in the Yird 's crust. Calcium is the fift-maist-abundant dissolved ion in seawatter bi baith molarity an mass, efter sodium, chloride, magnesium, an sulphate.

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Calcium – Wikipedia

Calcium ist ein leichtes, sehr duktiles, silbriges Metall, dessen Eigenschaften den schwereren Erdalkalimetallen Magnesium, Strontium, Barium und Radium sehr ähnlich sind. Es kristallisiert in der kubischen flächenzentrierten Anordnung wie Strontium. Oberhalb von 450 °C verwandelt es sich in eine hexagonale Kristallstruktur wie Magnesium.

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Kalsium - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Kalsium. kubus berpusat muka (fcc) Kalsium atau zat kapur adalah sebuah elemen kimia dengan simbol Ca dan nomor atom 20. Mempunyai massa atom 40.078 amu. Kalsium merupakan salah satu logam alkali tanah, dan merupakan elemen kelima terbanyak di bumi. Kalsium juga merupakan ion kelima terbanyak di air laut dilihat dari segi molaritas dan masa ...

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칼슘 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

칼슘. 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전. 칼슘 ( 영어: Calcium 캘시엄[ *], 문화어: 칼시움← 독일어: Calcium 칼치움[ *], 라틴어: Calcium 칼키움[ *] )은 화학 원소 로 주기율표 에서 기호는 Ca 이고 원자 번호 는 20, 원자량은 40.078이다. 은회색의 무른 알칼리 토금속 ...

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Calcium - Wikipedia

Calcium, 20Ca. face-centred cubic. Calcium is the chemical element wi seembol Ca an atomic nummer 20. Calcium is a saft gray alkaline yird metal, an is the fift-maist-abundant element bi mass in the Yird 's crust. Calcium is the fift-maist-abundant dissolved ion in seawatter bi baith molarity an mass, efter sodium, chloride, magnesium, an sulphate.

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Calcium - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. face-centered cubic (fcc) Calcium is a chemical element. Its symbol on the periodic table (a list of all the elements) is Ca. Its atomic number is 20. (The atomic number says where Calcium sits in the periodic table.) It …

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Calcium chloride - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...

Calcium chloride is a chemical compound made of calcium and chlorine atoms. It has the formula of CaCl 2.It absorbs water from the air and releases heat when it is dissolved in water. It is used as a de-icer on roads to melt the ice.

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Calcium supplement - Wikipedia

Calcium supplements are salts of calcium used in a number of conditions. Supplementation is generally only required when there is not enough calcium in the diet. By mouth they are used to treat and prevent low blood calcium, osteoporosis, and rickets. By injection into a vein they are used for low blood calcium that is resulting in muscle spasms and for high blood potassium or magnesium toxicity.

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calcarium - Wiktionary

Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Latin [] Adjective []. calcārium. nominative neuter singular of calcārius; References []. calcarium in Charles du Fresne du Cange's Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)

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Calcium — Wikipédia

Calcium protégé sous atmosphère d' argon. Le calcium est l' élément chimique de numéro atomique 20, de symbole Ca. C'est un métal alcalino-terreux gris-blanc et assez dur. Il n'existe pas à l'état de corps pur dans la nature. C'est le cinquième élément le plus abondant de la croûte terrestre (plus de 3 %).

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Calcium - Wikipedia

Calcium is a chemical element with the symbol Ca and atomic number 20. As an alkaline earth metal, calcium is a reactive metal that forms a dark oxide-nitride layer when exposed to air.Its physical and chemical properties are most similar to its heavier homologues strontium and barium.It is the fifth most abundant element in Earth's crust, and the third most abundant metal, after iron and ...

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Calcium – Wikipedia

FCA fertilisants are created from the main components found in traditional fertilizers: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and others. In addition to these basic elements, there are two key innovations for a quantitative and ecosystem-friendly yield: Calkorium® and Calkonutrium® fertilization supplements.

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Kalsium – Wikipedia

Kalsium on hopeanvalkoinen, kiteinen metalli.Se on hieman lyijyä kovempi, kevyt, ja helposti leikattavissa ja venytettävissä. Kalsium peittyy ilmassa heti harmahtavalla oksidikerroksella, joka estää hapettumisen leviämistä syvemmälle, vaikka kalsium kylmänä ja kuivana reagoikin heikosti. Se reagoi veden kanssa muodostaen kalsiumhydroksidia Ca(OH) 2 ja yhtyy kuumana nopeasti happeen ...

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Caldarium – Wikipedia

Das Caldarium (auch: Calidarium, von lateinisch caldus, calidus „warm, heiß") ist neben dem Tepidarium, dem Laconium bzw. Sudatorium und dem Frigidarium Teil der klassisch-römischen Thermen.Das Caldarium besteht aus einem Raum, bei dem der mit Hypokausten geheizte Boden und oft auch die Wände und Bänke eine gleichmäßige Wärme von 40 bis 50 °C abstrahlen.

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Environmentally Friendly Fertilizer with Calkorium | FCA ...

Calkorium is a natural premix that meets the limits observed by the use of chemical fertilizers. By being added to our fertilizers, it nourishes the microorganisms naturally present in the soil. The premix acts on biodiversity in the soil, which allows better assimilation of nutrients by plants.

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